Thursday, May 31, 2007

Nature Hidden in the Mountains of Bulgaria

Bulgaria is a little country found in the Balkans, south eastern Europe. What many people are not aware of is that Bulgaria is the home to some of the most wonderful and rare wildlife there is on the planet today, all hidden away in the high mountain ranges found across this country.

Below is just a small taster of what animals and plant life can be found in this great country.


The Suslik is a ground squirrel; it is small and slender but has a very strong body. The back is a yellow to grey colour and white speckles across it.

The Suslik likes to be out and active during daylight hours and lives in the mountain ranges found in Bulgaria. They do not like wet areas too much and are not normally found in densely wooded areas as they like open space.


The Capercaillie is a type of wood grouse that can weigh over six kilograms and grow to over one metre in length when fully grown. The body of the Capercaillie is brownish to grey and they have shiny dark green feathers underneath on their breast.


The Edelweiss belongs to the sunflower family but only grows to between three and twenty centimeters in length. The flower is star shape with white fluffy petals with little hairs all over. Normally blooming between July and September the Edelweiss only lives in rocky limestone areas in mountainous regions between two thousand and two thousand five hundred metres above sea level.

Brown Bear

Surprising to some I know but Bulgaria is the home of around eight hundred to one thousand bears that roam the mountainous wilderness in relative harmony. These beautiful creatures are a sight to behold as they live in their wild habitat.


The wild animals of Bulgaria are wonderful and diverse, if your a nature lover you could do a lot worse than take a trip to the mountains and valleys of Bulgaria to sample some of its natural wonders for yourself.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

E-Books and Internet Publishing Will it Replace Print and Bookstores - A Writers Comment

Today we have all sorts of options as writers that we just did not have a decade the prior. For instance if there is only a limited market for our chosen topic, we can publish without all the hassles immediately online. Indeed, I am a co-author of one book in print, but this year I produced 10-ebooks and put them online and realize that was in only 4 months.

In fact my goal is to write a total of 90 more e-Books in the next twenty months, sure it can be done and without all the hassles or barriers to entry, or marketing angles that the publishers are looking for. What is this new trend going to do to the Publishing Industry? Well, I suppose over time that the publishing industry is dead meat. But it will not go quietly or easily of course.

If your books sell well on the Internet you may find yourself with a much bigger chuck of the price of each book sold. Think about it, no shipping costs, no inventory costs, no printing costs and the marketing costs are quite low. There are many advantages to writing eBooks on the Internet and skipping the printing industry entirely.

Another advantage to selling eBooks on the Internet is the fact that you have a much closer link with your audience and the reader, for quick feedback. With a fast feedback loop you can modify your works slightly and give the readers more of what they want and insure continued sales growth too. Think about it.

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Window Film to Prevent Overheating and Solar Glare in Schools

Solar energy can have a detrimental effect in many workplaces, whether that is in offices, warehouses or even schools. The common complaint of overheating and solar glare can make working environments extremely uncomfortable to be in, consequently leading to unhealthy (and unhappy) employees. In schools - the focus of this article - both pupils and teachers are finding these problems increasingly difficult to cope with.

Whilst the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 24 degrees Celsius as a maximum for comfortable working, Safety law does not set a legal limit for workplace temperature. And despite the WHO regarding anything above 26 degrees Celsius as "definitely unacceptable", many pupils and teachers continue to suffer with overheating and solar glare as a result of inadequate countermeasures.

Tim Lucas, a chemistry teacher and NUT branch secretary in East Sussex, says: "Schools can get so hot there is a deleterious effect on the ability of teachers and pupils to concentrate." Many people also complain of dizziness, fainting and even heat cramps as a result of overbearing temperatures.

Thankfully there is an effective solution: Window Film. The application of Window Film can reduce solar heat gain by up to 75%, and also reduce glare by up to 85%. In schools where pupils are expected to concentrate for long periods of time, reducing indoor heat is essential if children are to receive the best possible education. Likewise, if teachers are to teach effectively they also must enjoy a comfortable working environment. In addition, with more and more schools investing in Information Technology infrastructure and computers, reducing glare on Visual Display Units (VDUs) has never been more important. Window Film can effectively solve these two problems in one fell swoop. Applying solar Window Film to glass can also minimise UV (Ultra Violet) radiation whilst maintaining natural light - yet another significant benefit!

The problems associated with solar energy are generally more prominent in schools that have been built more recently. New schools tend to contain a great deal of glass and feature more complex designs, making solar energy even more difficult to combat. The problem is exacerbated further since UK schools rarely have air conditioning installed.

Window Film also provides other practical benefits, such as increased security. Many "combination" Window Films offer both solar protection and security benefits, thereby helping to reduce the threat of burglary. Security Window Film can offer increased glass protection (ideal for preventing smashed glass), or may act as a deterrent by hiding equipment from view. But one must not forget the aesthetic benefits of Window Film. It can improve the appearance of school exteriors and completely transform glass facades, so much so that once completed, a school may look completely regenerated.

With a significant reduction in heat coupled with the additional benefit of anti-glare properties, solar Window Film it fast becoming the product of choice for schools wishing to combat overheating and solar glare. The product enhances the learning environment by creating a more comfortable atmosphere, and benefits both pupils and teachers alike.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Interview with Sammy Shu, Author of "There's a Season for All"

Sammy Shu resides in Denver, Colorado with her family. In 1992 she finished her first children's book, and quickly discovered a love of the genre and has been weaving her fantasies ever since. Sammy writes four hours a day and spends her time dedicated to the whimsies of childhood. She hopes to bring smiles to the faces of children all over the world and her stories are a testament to this. Fairies, dragons, mermaids, centaurs and creatures yet to be discovered are but a few of the fabulous topics of her wonderful books. Sammy has written nine children's books with more planned for the future.

Juanita: Welcome to Reader Views Sammy, and thanks for the opportunity to talk with you about your wonderful new children's book "There's a Season for All." Sammy, have you always been a writer? Why did you begin writing children's books?

Sammy: I've been writing for as long as I can remember being able to hold a pencil. My first stories were related to role-playing. You learn about character development, Finding a reason for things and developing storylines. It's a great fun way to relax and stretch your imagination muscles. As I grew older I stopped gaming and began really pursuing more fairytale themes in my work. My love of children's book arrived with my children watching their faces light up as I tell them a story makes a challenging day melt away. That's good stuff.

Juanita: What is the age range of "There's a Season for All"? Is this the same for all of your books?

Sammy: This book is for young readers, ages 5 - 9. My next book is for young adults and the ones coming next year are again for the younger reader.

Juanita: Is there anything specific to the 5 - 9 year age group that you keep in mind when writing?

Sammy: I try to remember how amazingly intelligent children are today. I never dumb it down. I use big words and situations that I know they deal with. I want to relate to these children. My writing has a purpose, a goal, and that's an important factor to my work. I want to create an emotional response, make them think. So far the response has been great.

Juanita: What happens in "There's a Season for All"?

Sammy: Four fairies sisters inherit the running of Tweenland. They have many responsibilities and soon discover that things are far more difficult than they thought. Running a kingdom is demanding. Soon they are fighting and causing problems for the people. I think this is something that happens with siblings, they fight, they work it out and in the end they remain loving and considerate. This is what happens in the book. But I don't want to give away how that happens. The ending is pretty cool.

Juanita: Would you tell us about Tweenland, and its metaphoric message?

Sammy: I wanted a land that represented real life situations while remaining true to a child's fabulous imagination. This is the place in be Tween.

Juanita: What inspired this highly creative storyline?

Sammy: I have daughters and of course they love all things fairy tale. Seasons are very important to me. I grew up in Florida where there really weren't many changes, that part was inspired by Colorado and all of its beauty and variety. Sometimes I forget that I came from a place that didn't have that. It's so beautiful here and I draw a lot of my inspiration from that. all of the rest comes from the children. They're so open and so fascinated by it all. I remember that and I miss the innocence. I'm inspired to keep that alive.

Juanita: The four fairy sisters in this story represent the four seasons, who struggle to assert their power. This really is a fascinating way to connect children with the environment, while teaching personal responsibility and working with others. Would you elaborate on these characters - the four fairy sisters, and the magic they hold in this story?

Sammy: The great thing about this story for me is each character represents a child in my life so they are all very special to me. They have such power to control their own environment and you can see how competent and successful they are by the end of the story. Girls need to know that they are powerful and capable I love that my girls feel that and I hope this book can put those ideas out there for other girls.

Juanita: What is the take home message in "There's a Season for All"?

Sammy: Every person has something to offer in the big picture. We're all so different and if we could just learn to work together we could achieve anything.

Juanita: Sammy, have you always been interested in fairy tales and mystical themes?

Sammy: Yes, as a child I wrote about magical bunnies and a land where you could sip chocolate milk from streams. I also played some role-playing games. I love fantastic themes. It's so wonderful to be able to write about the places in my dreams and know that I can share that with the world.

Juanita: Even in this modern-day, why do you think fairies, dragons, mermaids, and elfin creatures provide such timeless fascination for children?

Sammy: It's the belief that magic is real. I think as children are growing they are frustrated by their lack of control on their lives. In fairy tales they can use their imagination to create situations that they enjoy and have some control over.

Juanita: I know that imagination is a significant theme in your books, as well as in your personal and professional life. Would you comment on your desire to spark children's imagination as well as inspiring your own?

Sammy: Life can be so demanding. We all need a place to go and recharge our batteries. The imagination is abundant and you can make it anything you want. For me it's writing and my hope for the children is that they enjoy my stories, come away feeling refreshed and ready to take on all of life's challenges.

Juanita: Sammy, would you tell us about Carl Cone, the illustrator for "There's a Season for All," as well as the collaboration process?

Sammy: Carl is my best friend. We've worked together for years and I'm sure we will continue to do so. He's amazing. All of my work comes to life because of his astounding talent. I give him a story and he usually shows me sketches. We talk about possibilities and then he's off and running. He's always right on with his great ideas. I'm lucky to have such talent surrounding me. He has a site for people in need of an artist in different mediums. It is

Juanita: Are you working on any other books/projects at this time?

Sammy:"The Legend of the Vampire Fairies" is the next book coming out. It's a darker fairy tale for teens and young adults. The art is primarily my photography with some sketches and detail work by Carl. We're very excited about it. I've also written several books that are about the Land of Imagination (where the fairy queen goes to rest in the first book) in that book the main character is a centaur boy learning the responsibilities of adulthood. Both project hold a special place in my heart and I cant wait to share them.
They will all be coming out as soon as the art is done.

Juanita: How can readers find out about you and your books?

Sammy: You can buy my books at Borders, Barnes & Noble, Tattered Cover, any retail store should have them or be able to get them. My web site is .

I also have several other sites that are linked to that one. If you go to you can put in Vampire Fairies and watch a book trailer of my upcoming book.

Juanita: Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us today Sammy. We encourage readers to look for "There's a Season for All" at local and online bookstores, as well as stay posted to your website for future releases. Before we depart, do you have any final thoughts for your readers?

Sammy: I'd like to mention that a portion of the proceeds of my book sales go to a foundation I started called AFFECT (artists function for enhancing children's tomorrow) The purpose of the foundation is to give children in need the opportunities that the rest of them have, Good books, entertainment, Art. We go to children's homes and hospitals we read to them, do short skits, teach them fun safe choreographed combat techniques. Drawing classes, and anything else our members are willing to provide. We are always looking for people who are willing to donate their talents for the lost children of this world; hopefully through my writing I can make a difference. Thank you for this opportunity to get my message to more people.

To find out more about our cause go to and keep reading!

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Great Books for Cat Lovers

Love Cats? Then why not consider devoting a section of your bookshelf to your love of all things feline? There are some wonderful titles available these days on all aspects of cats from cat care to folklore and mythology and even books of quotations. Here are some great titles to get you started on your collection:

The Cat on My Shoulder: Writers and Their Cats edited by Lisa Angowski Rogak: A book whose pages are filled with dozens of essays penned by prominent writers, about the cats who share their lives, this is a marvelous start to any cat lovers bookshelf. With authors ranging from Sue Grafton to Richard Scarry, the essays are sometimes touching, sometimes funny, often surprising, and always entertaining, and essay is accompanied by a black-and-white photo of the author with his or her cat(s). It's a book to be picked up and enjoyed again and again.

Cat Talk: A Book of Quotations: Cat Talk is a wonderful little book filled with quotations, anecdotes, nursery rhymes, proverbs, superstitions, and a half-dozen other wonderful tidbits. It's an unpretentious book with quips that range in tone from serious to downright silly. It contains quotes from the likes of Chaucer, Rudyard Kipling, and Mark Twain, among many other famous cat lovers. This is the kind of book that lends itself to being picked up often. You'll find yourself flipping page after page, a smile on your face.

Black Cat by Christopher Myers: Yes, this is a children's book, but not to be overlooked in your search for great cat books. This is an enchanting tale of a lone black ca" as it roams the big city at night, prowling both subways and rooftops alike. Black Cat, with its unusual mixed-media artwork and edgy poetry, perfectly captures the essence of the cat. Cat lovers both adults and children will love this one.

Cat Facts by Marcus Schneck and Jill Caravan: Did you ever wonder if cats are capable of love? Have you ever been curious about their origin, about their dreams, the way they communicate? If so, then Cat Facts is the perfect book for your collection. A great book to flip through, its pages are packed with both photos and color illustrations. You'll find tips on cat care and cat watching and information about common myths and the truths behind them. What's great about this book is that you don't need to devote a large amount of time in any one sitting to reading. Just a minute here and there will provide you with entertaining tidbits and digestible chunks of information.

The truth is that most bookstores have an extensive section devoted to books on pets. Whatever your fancy, be it folklore and mythology, quotations, or true stories of people and their cats, browsing the local bookstore is sure to provide just the right books to start adding to your book collection.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Metaphysical Careers Today

Find Metaphysical Careers in the United States and Canada. Today, individuals can pursue one of several metaphysical careers as more and more metaphysical schools and colleges are offering in-depth curriculum in an array of spiritual, metaphysical and paranormal studies.

Students who are interested in becoming an ordained minister or would like to be certified in spiritual or intuitive healing will find that these metaphysical careers carry some degree of education and training. For example, if you're one of the many persons drawn to God, then metaphysical careers as ministers, associate ministers or pastoral counselors require comprehensive training in how to conduct worship services, funerals and weddings, new age thought, spiritual philosophies, prayers, meditations and theology.

Some metaphysical careers are quite innovative. Metaphysical practitioners, for instance will have gained extensive education and training in how to integrate spiritualism into energy healing techniques. Energy healing education for these metaphysical careers often entail visualization, chakra balancing, meridian therapy, healing touch, reiki, affirmations, hypnotherapy, counseling, and other metaphysical studies.

Metaphysical careers, too, offer an enlightening approach to not just helping others but for personal growth as well. Many individuals who enter metaphysical careers will discover new ways of thinking, innovative philosophies and renewed sense of self. Whether one chooses to become a holistic health practitioner or energy healer, metaphysical careers can be both personally and professionally rewarding.

Furthermore, depending on the occupation you pursue, some metaphysical careers require certification, degrees or licensure; especially in the ministry division, and as healing arts practitioners. Be certain to examine education programs carefully for curriculums, time involved and tuition costs; as these may vary from school to school.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding metaphysical careers, let career training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.

Metaphysical Careers Today

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The CollegeBound Network

All Rights Reserved

NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

The City of Plovdiv

The city of Plovdiv is located in central western Bulgaria in the shadows of the Rhodope mountain range that are located close by. Maritsa, the longest river in Bulgaria second only to the Danube and flows right through the centre of Plovdiv. Plovdiv is the second largest city in the country with a population estimated at three hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants.

Plovdiv is probably the oldest city in Europe and has a history dating back over seven thousand years; it is also part of the birth of European civilisation. Seven thousand years ago the Thracian civilisation settled in Bulgaria and one place they settled is now the city of Plovdiv, the reason for this was due to the mountains and the River Maritsa.

Over time the Thracian people flourished in the city until Philip of Macedon took over the country using force and ruled until his death when his son Alexander the Great took over the reign, at this time the city was renamed Philippolis by Alexander after his father "The city of Philip".

Later on in history the Romans took over the reign of Bulgaria and Plovdiv. The Romans renamed Plovdiv to Thrimontium after the hills surrounding the city. The city was a major cosmopolitan city under the Roman Empire that saw two large Amphitheatres being built in the city for all the civilians to visit. These amphitheatres are still in the city today and have shows there during the summer months.

In the 5th century Plovdiv saw the feared Atilla the Hun come and wreaked havoc, even damaging one of the Roman theatres. Although Atilla the Hun wreaked havoc in Bulgaria, his forces never actually took control of the country.

It was not until the 6th century that Slavic people moved into Bulgaria and Plovdiv, although Plovdiv did not actually become a province of the country until about 815AD.

Over the next four hundred years Plovdiv saw itself in a struggle between the Bulgarian people and the Byzantine Empire as it kept changes hands, although the Bulgarian people always resided in the city under different rulers.

It was then the turn of the Ottoman Empire from Turkey to take control of the city from 1369 till late in the 19th century. During all this time Plovdiv was one of the main cities to keep its identity as a centre of Bulgarian culture.

More recently Plovdiv sat under the rule of communism from the Soviet Union since the end of World War two until the late 1980's when Bulgaria finally reclaimed itself.

Since the late 1980's the people of Plovdiv have thrived and so has the culture. Business is booming and the city is growing.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Massage Therapy Schools Graduate Skilled Professionals

Massage therapy schools educate and graduate skilled professionals with great knowledge in more than eighty different types of massage therapy. Many of these schools are highly selective in choosing their students, and most have very high expectations of their students. These massage therapy schools have a curriculum established for the education of their students that is geared to the demands of the marketplace. These schools know the field and are keen to prepare their students for successful careers as massage therapists.

The massage therapy schools prepare their students to gain certification on the state and often the national level. The credentials that they offer are often important to the clients seeking their skills. Massage therapy schools can be private institutions or these schools can be part of a postsecondary institution such as a junior college. Some of the massage therapy schools offer programs for general massage techniques and specialized programs as well. Other massage therapy schools offer only very specialized programs to therapists that have already attained the basic skills. Some massage therapy school would offer specialties in one of the eighty different types of massage.

Massage Therapy Schools Offer A Form Of Alternative Medicine

Massage therapy schools might offer an intense program specially geared to athletes. These therapists must have extensive knowledge of the muscular and skeletal system of a human body, but these therapists must also have a keen knowledge of the type of massage for athletes. These programs are geared to help athletes recover from the brutal games that they play. These massage techniques help athletes keep their bodies in great shape so they can participate regularly in their demanding sports. These therapists must learn about the demands of the training that these athletes undergo to be at the top of their fields. They must work with the other members of the staff to make sure that the athletes are in excellent physical shape.

Many of the massage therapy schools prepare their students for the demands of alternative medicine so important to the general population. These schools prepare their students to work closely with medical professionals to help people maintain and improve their general health. These schools also prepare their students to work with medical professionals to rehabilitate some patients who have suffered from different conditions. Massage therapists might work with patients as an alternative to traditional medicine and drug therapies. The massage therapy schools work to prepare their students to be part of a comprehensive medical system.

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Detroit Schools Fight To Stay Open

Detroit Schools battle the classic struggles of a major city: high teacher turnover, high dropout rates, low test scores, and on-going violence. For some of Detroit Schools, however, all these problems may soon disappear. 34 Detroit Schools are slated to close by fall of 2007. Problems such as deteriorating buildings, failing test scores, and shifting populations compelled board members of Detroit Schools to recommend the closing of such facilities.

Apparently, some of the students like school a bit more than they had let on. Several hundred students from Northern High School and Murray Wright High School arranged protests and rallied the Detroit Schools at the District Office. Another organized protest at Northern ended in 2 arrests, and several students being pepper-sprayed or detained. But it worked. The Boards Human Resources Committee turned over a recommendation to take both schools off the list along with Mackensie High School and Higgins Elementary School.

Parents of Higgins Elementary students kept their children out of school last week to protest the closing. Now everyone waits. The Board of Education will vote whether to take those schools off the list permanently, or let the ax fall. School closings cause controversy because the schools effected tend to be in poorer areas. Detroit Schools face the decision of whether to pour more money into these old buildings and failing schools, or to force children into other schools that might be further from their homes.

Even if these Detroit Schools are allowed to keep their doors open, they face an uphill battle. Detroit Schools are trying to stomp out the culture of violence that has given them such a bad name. Unfortunately, that isn't proving easy. Recently two 17-year-old boys were killed outside Henry Ford High School in an incident attributed to a gang clash.

The two boys are students in Detroit Schools. Both used to attend Ford, and one is currently at Mackensie High. One boy was shot in the face and the other received a superficial wound.

Where are the answers? Voters in Detroit Schools apparently believe that money is not the answer. Frustrated board member have seen bond after bond voted down for items like roof repairs, better technology and athletic fields. Many blame the overall economy for the refusal of voters to dish out more funding Detroit Schools.

Detroit Schools have turned to polling companies to help them assess how much in funding they can ask for, and what segment of the population to target for it. Yet critical items like boilers and crumbling buildings get left out in the cold if the equation is not exact. Detroit Schools are likely to see many more closings in the future is administrators and voters can't come to some consensus.

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Anxiety In Exams - A Solution

Anxiety over exams is a common thing. Whether it is at the high school, elementary school, or even college level, a lot of people get nervous when it comes time to take an exam. Exam nerves are no small issue, either. They can cause lots of problems in a person's life. Since college has become so competitive and people are trying hard to stay at the top of their prospective classes, there is a great deal of pressure put upon students to perform. This performance pressure, as well as other mental blocks, is the basic things behind exam nerves problems. It's important that people get rid of these problems or else they could have serious consequences.

If you feel like exam nerves are causing you severe discomfort when you go to take an exam, then you need to seek out help. Exam nerves can cause many problems in your life. Many times, feeling the pressure of exam nerves can cause severe physical discomfort. Though it's not the kind of physical anxiety that is likely to cause you serious bodily harm, it will be enough to raise your levels of stress. In addition to that, your mind will go blank when you feel the pressure of exam nerves. When this happens, performing well on a difficult test becomes virtually impossible. You will become overwhelmed and the feeling of anxiousness will certainly multiply.

How do you treat a problem with such deep rooted mental focus? You have to completely change your mindset. You have to tell yourself that exams are not something to stress out about. This is much easier said than done, though. When you have a difficult assignment coming up, it is common to feel anxiety. The problem is in your thinking. With that in mind, you have to come up with a solution to change that thinking. One tool that has become more widely recognized for dealing with mental ailments is hypnotherapy. As a hypnotherapist, I have seen many clients who need help with their exam nerves problem.

If you are wondering what hypnosis is all about, then don't be afraid to find out more information. There are many theories on hypnosis that people make up when they don't really know what it's about. There is no magic involved. It's simply a process by which your mind is calmed and you can allow positive thoughts to enter. That can change your thinking fairly quickly if it is done right. Get some information on self hypnosis or hypnotherapy today and see your problems disappear.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Kindergarten - 9 Questions To Ask To Find Out If Your Child Is Ready To Start Kindergarten

Although Kindergarten is not compulsory in many states, most families choose to start their child's formal education in this setting. Kindergarten is thought by most professional educators to lay the foundation for a child's educational experience. It is believed that how a child is exposed to letters and their sounds, numbers and patterns, and other early academics will determine if they are successful in learning to read. The only question that seems to arise is at what age a child should begin this formal training.

The majority of school districts have strictly enforced policies about the age a child must be when they enter Kindergarten. This specific age requirement differs throughout the United States. In some districts a child must be five years old by July 1 of the year they are planning to enter school. Other places set a September 1 deadline. The latest date is typically December 1, meaning that students in those school districts may be 4 years old through the first several months of Kindergarten, if their birthday is late in the year.

These birth date recommendations are just that; each family determines if their child is ready to start attending school. With Kindergarten now a full day program in many cities across the United States, the program may be too rigorous for some children even if they have already celebrated their fifth birthday.

The family must determine when the time is right for their child. Here are 9 questions you may want to discuss before you send your child to Kindergarten

  • Do they recognize letters and numbers from 1-10?
  • Can they recite the alphabet?
  • Do they read along with you when you share a favorite book?
  • Are they able to print their first name?
  • Are they excited about the prospect of going to school?
  • Do they have a sibling already attending school?
  • Have they spent time in a preschool where academics were emphasized?
  • Can they focus their attention on guided and direct instruction for ten to fifteen minutes?
  • Are they able to spend six to seven hours a day away from you without becoming upset?
If the answer to five or more of these questions is yes, your child is most likely ready for school. If not, have a family discussion about the possibility of waiting until the following school year. Many schools do not allow a child to repeat Kindergarten if the child is not successful. The child is expected to continue on to first grade without the benefit of extra instruction. Many children suffer self-esteem and other psychological issues when this situation occurs. Make sure that your child is mature enough and ready for school before sending them to Kindergarten.

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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Is Your Child Math Phobic?

Meet a bright teenager Sandra. She is excellent in all her subjects academically and is quite happy about her performance till she talks about the subject of Mathematics. Math Sandra says give her nightmares. She can't stop talking about this dull and boring subject and how she cried when her teacher put her outside class for getting her calculations wrong. She dreads when she talks about Algebra, where she got a whole lot of red lines across her homework book, for it involves painful memory to remember the formulas. She couldn't even complete the whole math paper for a lack of time.

Her parents are helpless as they went through the same system of education with the same agonies as hers. Sandra now started complaining of a lack of concentration in the math classes and felt her abilities draining day by day.

Understanding her situation her parents got her enrolled into some extra tuition classes, where the situation got a little better but her phobia of math was still there.

Is your child facing the same level of difficulties in Mathematics? Is your child math phobic? Does your child think of math to be colorless and drab? Do you wish that there was some sort of a magic and your child suddenly became a genius in the subject?

Well your wait ends here. And the secret lies in the Ancient Indian Scriptures written by Indian sages almost 5000 years ago called Vedas which means 'fountain of knowledge'.

In these Vedas lies the codes of engineering & mathematics called sutras which claims to solve any given problem of mathematics in any field whatsoever and that too in split seconds. Sounds Unbelievable? Read on...

The name given to this speed system of mathematics is called High Speed Vedic Mathematics which can solve difficult problems like 998 x 997 in less than 5 seconds flat!. It was rediscovered by the Sankaracharya (Pontiff) of Puri in 1918 who was a bright mathematician and a scholar beyond excellence.

High Speed Vedic Mathematics can help you to solve your calculations in split seconds. It can save steps in your algebraic equations by giving you the answer mentally. It can solve cube roots for you in 3 sheer seconds and the best part is it is easy to learn, master and apply. You can find the square roots as easily and mentally as it is adding 2+2 and believe it or not you can even find out which day it was on any given date three hundred years ago by remembering a simple table.

High Speed Vedic Math is far more systematic, coherent and unified than the conventional system. It is a mental tool for calculation that encourages the development and use of intuition and innovation, while giving the student a lot of flexibility, fun and satisfaction. The best part of it is that it blends seamlessly with any kind of math curriculum and suits children of all ages.

Rapid Vedic Math is a fast becoming a rage across countries. The St.James School of United Kingdom has implemented it strongly in its curriculum. "With Vedic Math, I feel like the Harry Potter of Math and can do sums with confidence and ease." Says Ruth a 14 year old.

Vedic Math takes care of the math phobia and instead gives confidence which arouses interest in children in the subject. Children not only begin to live numbers they begin to feel it too. Results then become secondary.

You can visit the author's website at and go through the tutorials section where you can see live examples of this system in working in slide shows and videos.

This Article is by Gaurav Tekriwal,, The President of the Vedic Maths Forum India who has been conducting High Speed Vedic Math Workshops for the last five years and has trained over seven thousand students across the world in the field. He is the author of the best selling DVD on the subject which contains over 10 hours on the subject.He is an expert in the field and revolutionizes the way children learn math

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Guide From A Life In Editing - For Biochemical, Medical Writing, Copyediting, Proofreading, Indexing

Ever strayed into a job you wished you hadn't because you were just not that familiar with the terminology and housestyle? Or gotten yourself in too deep on the science side? Or just could not find that annoyingly elusive (bio)chemical/medical/science symbol and how it is represented in the text? Without wading through copious notes and thick dusty tomes, you can look it up in one easy guide.

Do you find it annoying when references aren't cited correctly? My passion for getting book references absolutely accurate really started in my PhD days, when, as you can imagine, trying to find that all-important research paper to help me write my thesis, and finding that a reference was incorrect, would drive me mad. Hence it started, a lifelong passion for compiling book references (ones you can't look up on PubMed or are difficult to find on the internet in general). Soon followed similar lists of helpful information you need when copyediting and proofreading (or writing and indexing) scientific and medical texts.

Following my PhD, moving straight into publishing, I started editing O and A level examination papers. The need to get things right, without ambiguity, really struck home, having just emerged from the high-stress exam-taking environment. (Oh, the trauma of sitting in exams, wondering what an examiner was really getting at, and pouring over every word to try to extract the correct meaning! And what about exam questions you couldn't answer because not all the information was there, aargh!)

Style was the next thing that was to be important to me as I started work, all eager and enthusiastic, at the Biochemical Journal. There, I spent more time reading the foot-thick style manual than copyediting and proofreading, and again later when I went freelance. Once bitten twice shy? Not me!

After a break from Biochemistry, I did a 4-year stint at Marine Engineering and a conference company (mostly editing IT and Telecoms books based on conferences), and many years of freelancing from home. Medicine was my next major port of call. Here I learnt about drug names (not always intuitive) and the many diseases and conditions affecting our fellow human beings. Sticking with medicine, the BMJ filled a gap in my medico-political knowledge quite nicely. I often edited their news pages for the lighter, shorter articles, and the exercise, as I tended to run across the office at 5 o'clock to get it to bed (being a weekly). Exciting stuff in the world of proofreading!

Then my passion was further strengthened at the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS), where every reference was checked by hand! I was in seventh heaven! Then my work at the British Medical Journal, although they wouldn't have it, showed me just how many references were published incorrectly. They had decided to stop checking individual references years ago, leaving it up to the author to get it right. When you actually take the time to look them up, so often they have errors, and not just people's names spelt wrongly. Sometimes there were fatal errors that meant you could not look them up! (Infuriating... much grinding of teeth.)

Finally, I started working full-time for a medical website (at Elsevier), also venturing into writing evidence for drugs and other treatments. An interesting sideline, as style, correcting references and my love of plain English writing all came together for me.

The guide is mostly based around my time at BMJ and the Biochemical Journal/Clinical Science, but having edited freelance and in-house for over 20 years, I've covered many different and diverse science subjects. And I can safely say that biochemistry is as hard as it gets in terms of style. Biochemistry and medicine, I would say, is a good basic science combo for this guide with housestyle, symbols, abbreviations, book references and lots more.

Now for my next trick: guides on other topics: Dentistry? Microbiology? You say the topic, and I'll produce the guide.

God Bless heavy science!

Happy hunting and editing.


Biochemistry and Medicine:



Terminology used

Biochemical and equipment companies and software providers and their locations

Common binomia

Book references

Journal Abbreviations

Publishers and their locations

Dr Debra Goring, 7 New Pound Lane, Mereworth, Maidstone, Kent ME18 5QZ


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